Pairing of round 1, at 19:30 of 08/03/2021

Bo.FedWhite PlayerPtsNWResultNBPtsBlack PlayerFed
1QLD Esmaili,Ali (0)10 0 - 11(0) FM Flatow,A (Fred)NSW
2NSW Bukreyev,Andriy (0)2 1 - 011(0) Allison,GrahamNSW
3NSW Dib,Michel (0)12 0 - 13(0) Huynh,ArthurNSW
4NSW Tefanis,Frank (0)4 1 - 013(0) Brown,TedNSW
5NSW Shaw,Ralph (0)14 0 - 15(0) CM Dragalchuk,VladislavNSW
6NSW Allison,Brian C (0)7 1 - 015(0) Ullah,SamiNSW
7NSW Chiara,Vince (0)16 1 - 08(0) Merhi,AlexandreNSW
8NSW Einfeld,Stewart (0)9 1 - 017(0) Kantzios,GrigoriosNSW
9OS Premathilaka,Kanishka (0)6 ½ 0(0)( half point bye )